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Desenhos de Patentes de Desenho Industrial

Design Patent Drawing

What is a Design Patent or Industrial Design?

If an invention is

•a new, original, and

•ornamental design embodied in or applied to an article of manufacture.

It is referred to as Industrial Design or Design Patent


It generally permits its owner to exclude others from making, using, or selling the invention for a period of up to fifteen years from the date of a patent granted. No maintenance fees are required for design patents

Expertise no seguimento de Serviços de Desenhos de Patentes de Desenho Industrial​

Celulares |  Sacos |  Armários |  Máquina de jogos |  Lâmpada LED |  Máquina de corte |  Tote do gelo | Perfume  Garrafa |  

Lâmpada de mesa  | Caixão | Palestrante | Brinquedo | Bicicleta | Suporte de bandeira | Raspador de Gelo | Porta-copos | Hidroponia

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Required design views will be provided.

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Complexity Types

Desenhos Simples


Desenhos Médios Complexos

Desenhos Complexos